Privacy Policy

Please find below our Privacy Policy. By checking the box you are hereby agreeing to this Privacy Policy.

1) The Collin School for Dance will hold all personal details of customers and pupils in strict confidentiality (Data Protection Act 2018) and will not pass them on to third parties except to the ISTD for children taking dancing exams.

2) Parents/carers please ensure that the school receives any changes to pupil’s contact details in writing. All details will be held in strict confidentiality (Data Protection Act 2018) and will not be passed on to third parties except to the ISTD for children taking dancing exams.

3) Occasionally the school pass on details to parents/carers of auditions, workshops, shows and performance that we feel will benefit the pupils via email.

4) For promoting the school photographs and videos of classes, shows, events and competitions will be taken. These maybe used on the schools website, Social media platforms and other promotional materials.

5) By checking the box parents/carers agree for pupils images to be used on these promotional materials unless written notice is given to the school requesting a pupil's image not to be used.

6) The school however can not take responsibility for photographs and videos taken at events, not organised by the school, by third parties that may end up in the public domain.

7) Parents/carers may only take videos/photos during classes at the discretion of the class teacher and with the agreement of the other parents/carers and ask where other pupils maybe be in shot to use these for personal use only.